Andy Munro Darlington Author

Hi Readers,

I have read several reviews on Amazon which state there are editing errors. Unless I know what they are or where they can be found among 100k+ words I cannot fix them. I regularily run a read through of all my books and that has lead to new editions. Unfortunately, I di not have a publisher. Everything you see was created by me – the plot, the words, the layout and the graphics. Recognised authors have a publisher with a team of people to do that. The vast quantity of book sales pay for an editor to go over the rough manuscript and correct errors. A luxury I can only dream of.

Did you know you can help?

If you like my books why not help me improve them and my writing so I can produce better books in the future. Interested in helping?

If reading on a Kindle, highlight the error and save it. This is then added to the master log and when I read the book I can go straight to the mistake and fix it.

If reading another format, or you don’t want to use the above method, you can visit me here at my site and fill in the author contact form. You will be speaking to me direct and I promise to reply.

Thanks for reading,

Andy Munro




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